Saturday, June 7th - Tuesday, June 10th | HBC25 Dates: Saturday, June 7th- Tuesday, June 10th

HBC Cost: $585
Early Early Bird Christmas Promotion: $485
(Ends: December 31st or after 25 students sign up, whichever comes first)
Early Bird Special: $535
(Ends: March 1st or after 90 students sign up, whichever comes first)

Scholarships may be available after January 1st, based on need.

Why HBC? There are so many summer camps!  What makes HBC different and why choose this one?  Great question!  HBC camp encompasses all of the great things about a camp experience... over 100 students, houseboats, ski boats, tubing, all the food you could want, competition, THE BLOB, tons of laughter, probably some tears (the good kind), awesome worship, wonderful messages, deep conversations, and so much fun.  We pray through all of this so you will also have an experience with the God who created you!

Check out our video from HBC23!  

HBC23 Highlight Reel

Student Info

Please select all that apply.
School Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Parent Info

Emergency Contact (In case parent is unavailable)

2025 Medical Release and Liability form

Please select all that apply.
HBC Details

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Camp Merch

PLEASE NOTE: To fulfill camp T-shirt orders in time, we set a cut off date for May 11th. If you are registering on/after May 11th, camp shirts sizes are not guarenteed or may be given to the students after HBC.
Please select one option.
Student Financial Assistance

Scholarships may be available later, based on need. Payment plans are available now. 

We offer a wide range of financial assistance options in an effort to provide financial assistance to as many families in need as possible. Please consider the options below carefully and prayerfully.
Please note the following for Payment Options: Reduced prices only apply to those who have immediate family members/siblings wanting to go to HBC. Registration for each student needs to be completed separately. 


If you are not paying the full amount now, below is a list of the financial assistance options we have available. You may combine more than one option for your specific situation.

Please select all that apply.
If you selected a payment plan and want to pay more than 50 dollars now, please follow the link in your confirmation email to pay more toward your balance. 

We have reserved the Full Sholarship option for families under unusual or extreme financial duress. 

Please explain your need/situation below so we can ensure scholarships are given to those with the greatest need.  


Saturday, June 7th - Tuesday, June 10th
HBC25 Dates: Saturday, June 7th- Tuesday, June 10th

HBC Cost: $585
Early Early Bird Christmas Promotion: $485
(Ends: December 31st or after 25 students sign up, whichever comes first)
Early Bird Special: $535
(Ends: March 1st or after 90 students sign up, whichever comes first)

Scholarships may be available after January 1st, based on need.